I can breathe a sigh of relief, until next year, Sukkot, Simhat Torah and all the rest of it is finally over with. The New Year has begun, counting down the days yet again.
Every year I approach the building of our Sukkah and the entertaining we do in it with renewed enthusiasm. The Los Angeles area, with its mild climate, lends itself to dining al fresco at night even in September, October. Today I must confess, with impending rain clouds above (strange for this time of year), my helpers and I rushed to take it all down and store it away until next year. The saris hung across the roof, the tacky clustered grape lights that created atmosphere when the sun went down, the wall tapestries, candles, the tables and chairs, finally the palm fronds, and extension cords all dispatched to their cupboards to wait out another four seasons until next September or the trash. I will share a few pictures and the menus for two of the evening’s parties.

Menu for First Night
Kiddush Hashem Syrah
Appetizer trio of chopped heirloom tomatoes on arugula with lemon and olive oil
Deep fried squash blossoms in tempura style batter
Kibbeh sineah with hummous
Main Course
Roast turkey with natural jus, cranberry orange sauce
Roast herb crusted prime rib with shitake pomegranate sauce
Grilled artichoke halves with chipotle mayonnaise
Sweet potato fries or brown and wild rice mix
Roasted Brussel sprouts with sea salt
Linda’s chocolate espresso cake
Cranberry pear crumble
Apple cake
Pistachio biscotti
Mixed berries
coffee or tea
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