Mango Raspberry
Semifreddo for Passover
Where has the time gone? I have been cleaning up from Pesach this week, so many things need to carefully packed away until next year, leftovers need to be dispatched, diets started anew, tablecloths cleaned and on and on. This Spring and Summer will be very eventful for our family, which means a lot of barbecues, brunches and celebratory meals. I will posting some menus and recipes. In the meantme take a look and enjoy these pictures of our Pesach.

Dear Linda
Everything looks beautiful appetizing and since I have tasted them, delicious!
Thank you again for having us for the second night of Passover.
There is a Persian saying that says: “May the door of your home always be open”
Meaning: May god bless you with all kind of blessings and with your doors open, you will be able to accept all the blessings of health, wealth, prosperity and peace of mind faster and easier. You leave your door open when you expect and accept company. Sharing your blessings with others, multiplies your blessings!
May your blessings Multiply!
Dalia Melamed