I want to introduce to you my latest kitchen tool. Invented by my son and daughter in law the item is called Souper Cubes. Souper Cubes Extra-Large Silicone Ice Cube Tray – makes 4 perfect 1cup portions – freeze soup broth or sauce. It is a tool for freezing soup, sauce, fruit puree or whatever else your creativity leads you to want to freeze in convenient 1 cup cubes. This is the perfect size for a cup of soup on a cold day, a portion for one of spaghetti sauce, a cup of turkey chili. You can freeze fruit, pureed at its peak, for later use in sauce, dessert, smoothies or Kombucha flavoring. I have also frozen, Picadillo Soup and Sephardic Avicas or white bean soup. The web site is https://www.spupercubes.com
If you have lemon, lime or blood orange trees in your yard you can freeze juice when you have to many.
It is simple and easy, I filled the cubes with my soup, popped it in the freezer until the cubes were solid and then removed the Souper Cube from the freezer , push out the cubes of soup. place the little bricks in a freezer bag, (4 or 8 fit perfectly fit in the 1 gallon ziploc bag, label it and back in the freezer for whenever you want to use them. They stack better this way in the freezer and take up less room. The Souper Cube goes right in the dishwasher and you are ready to reuse it. Although I must confess true to my slightly obsessive tendency I own many.
Souper Cubes is available on Amazon, at Williams Sonoma, Crate and Barrel, Dillard’s, Food 52, The Grommet and many other retail outlets as well as https://www.soupercubes.com . They also come in a 2 cup size and have cubes for cookies, 2 tablespoon size and many more to come.
I hope to put out some Passover recipes. Look for my post next week where I will give my menus for the two nights of Seder. In the mean time Purim Alegre….
Brilliant idea and I love the color.