Last week when I made the Laffa bread I made these Kufte as well. My kitchen is still full of food that I compulsively overpurchase for the Passover Holiday. I took a three pound package of ground chuck meat out of the freezer and defrosted it in the refrigerator. Once you make these Kufte you can roll them up in Laffa bread with chopped tomatoes, salad, hummus, whatever you prefer.
To make about 16 large Kufte:
3 lbs ground chuck meat
1/2 medium onion , finely chopped
1-2 cups of looseley packed chopped parsley
6 eggs
1 cup panko crumbs (I use Kikoman Parave Panko)
salt and fresh cracked pepper
1-2 tablespoons of Sumac
1 tablespoon Baharat
2 teaspoons Turmeric
Combine all the ingredients. Use your hands to distribute the ingredients evenly through out but do not knead the ground meat. Take a handful of the kufte mix and form a long meatball, like a fat torpedo. Preheat the grill or grill pan until very hot. Spray Canola Oil no-stick spray on the Kufte, and place them greased side down onto the grill. Let them sit for two minutes. Do not attempt to move them right away or they will stick and fall apart. Please wait the two minutes and they will release easily from the grill ridges so you can turn them over. Serve warm with sides and condiments.
Hi Linda, the kuftes look great. We still have some Laffa bread in the freezer, maybe I should make some of these kufes to serve them together. Thank you for the inspiration!
Deliciosos!!!!!!!! la felicito por su blog ,por su cocina y por sus ilustraciones….provoca ver y realizar sus recetas…………Le deso muchos exitos!!!!!!!!!
Congratulate her on her blog, for its cuisine and for his illustrations …. provokes seeing and realizing your recipes … … … … I wish you much success !!!!!!!!!